
Most unbelievably easy food hacks

7. Fresh egg test-simply put an egg inside a glass of water and watch the result.Fresh egg test-simply put an egg inside a glass of water

8. Your cereal is stale and you hate it? Have no fear. On a baking tray, spread the cereal and then put it in the oven for 5-10 minutes and hey presto, fresh cereals again.

 fresh cereals again

9. Fond of drinking lemon water, are you? Put the lemon slices in a ziplock bag and freeze them. The flavours and juices of the frozen slices will dissolve much faster in the water.

Fond of drinking lemon water, are you?


Bird of Prey bicycle

Bird of prey bicycle can make you feel like you are flying

Cassandra De Peco inErbil, Iraq

Live life like Cassie, who visited every country in the world in just 567 days