
Life saving hacks: Easy tips that can save lives

Life Hacks

7. Don’t walk down the stairs with your hands in your pocket:

Life saving hacks tips hand in pocket

While walking down a flight of stares, ensure that your hands are out of your pockets or on the banister. If by chance, you fall down, you will need your arms for balance and to stop yourself from getting hurt.


8. When caught in a riptide while swimming in the sea, swim parallel to the shore:

Life saving hacks tips pool

If you are swimming in the sea, it can be quite dangerous sometimes especially if you were to get caught in a riptide. The best way to get back to the shore and stay safe is to swim parallel to the shore.

9. Car keys on a table next to the bed:

Life saving hacks tips keys

In case of intruders inside your home, the panic button on your car keys can be pressed to alert your neighbours and surely someone will hear it and call the police.

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