
3 Ways To Schedule In That ‘Beauty Sleep’ We All Need

We all know that sleep is very important to maintain beautiful skin. It’s no wonder why it is called ‘beauty sleep’. The proper amount of sleep that you get every night is key in determining the quality of your skin. This is a very simple yet hard to maintain a habit that we all struggle to keep up with because of our crazy daily schedules.

But it is important to make time for enough sleep in our schedules too because how our day (and skin) turn out to be depends so much on it!

Good sleep is very essential for our bodies because if you don’t get proper sleep, it can result in your skin going for a toss because then your eyes get swollen, you get darker eyebags, paler skin, droopy cheeks, more wrinkles, etc.

It is no rocket science that if you don’t get enough sleep regularly it starts affecting your looks.

Yes, it can get hard with how we manage our time amongst all other things we do, but if this is made one of the top priorities, then it is very safe to say that you will start waking up to freshness and beautiful skin!

Are you getting less than 7-8 hours of sleep per night? If yes, here are four ways that you can work on building proper sleep cycles:

  1. Schedule your sleep time on your phone and keep a reminder

You obviously need to make efforts to get to bed on time if you’re gonna do this. There are millions of distractions that can come your way, but if you stick to your schedule, you will reap the benefits of good health! There are various sleep cycle tracking apps that help with this process. Use an app that is most comfortable for you and schedule in your sleep and wake time with a reminder for about 15-30 minutes before your sleep time so you know you need to get ready for bed soon. If you follow this, even on weekends, you will have a proper sleep-wake cycle.

  1. Good mattress

A good mattress plays a huge role in determining the comfort of your sleep. You want to make sure that you have a good soft mattress that you feel comfortable and good to sleep in. The stress and tiredness you feel from the day feels lifted and it also helps your body feel calmer and relaxed when you wake up.

Photo by wayX (Pexels)
  1. Avoid any stimulants

At least three to four hours prior to sleeping, make sure you consciously create an effort to not take any caffeine, chocolate or any other stimulants like smoking that can keep you awake past your bedtime.

Get your ‘beauty sleep’ mode on and feel that glowing skin in no time!

Read: Somnox Sleep Robot will help you sleep faster and feel relaxed

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