
Try these things with your pasta or noodle leftover water

Life Hacks – Pasta Water Use

Most of us just throw away the leftover pasta water but it would be great if you can use that too. While making pasta or noodles, you first boil the water with pasta or noodle and afterwards you throw away that water in the drain. Even though water is very precious but since the water in which the noodle or pasta is boiled, is filled with starch, you can’t help but throw it away.

But if you know that how useful this left over water is, and the many ways you can use it in daily life, you will realise how great it is.

Let’s see how interestingly you can use leftover pasta water:


To steam your food. If you like to eat steamed vegetables, then why not try using this starchy water in your steamer and see the magic.


How about using this starchy water in the garden? Some researcher figured it out that this leftover water has good minerals which help the plants to grow faster.


Having aching feet? Try soaking your feet in this warm pasta water, the starch and mineral will give you a healing touch.


You can use the starch water to make you own pesto sauce. This warm water acts as a bonding agent which makes perfect mix for sauce and which you can use as spread for sandwiches. Yummy!


Making Pizza Base. Try this starchy water to make dough for pizza base. It will surely give a different taste to home made Pizza, may be like what you get in restaurants.


Why not try this water to clean the dishes? Yes,  this starchy water acts as a cleaning agent and will leave your dishes with no smell.


Try it on your hair. Soak your hair with this water for one minute and then shampoo and rinse with clean water. This rich in minerals water will give your hair a natural shine and bouncy look.

8.   Soak beans overnight in the water. Yes it will make it softer and easier to cook the next day.
9.   Lastly, you can try this warm starchy water to make soup. This rich starchy water has its own taste and when it blends with your recipe, then it will surely give you great taste.


Well, there is no doubt about how tasty pasta is anyways and when I think of all the uses of even the water, I think I am already hungry now!



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