
The goodness and benefits of keeping lemon slices around your bedroom and house

Most people generally think that lemons are good only for making lemonades, right? Well, they are probably right and probably wrong too. While lemons can make great lemonades, they have other beneficial uses too and it comes as an alternative to many chemical detergents that you may be using at your house. And may I also remind you that lemons are a cheaper and healthier alternatives to those chemical detergents mentioned above.

1. Put lemon slices near your bed

Before you go to bed at night or even in the morning, you can cut the lemon into slices and place them in a bowl beside your bed.The lemon will not only get rid of any lingering smells in your bedroom and leave your room smelling fresh, it can also help you sleep better if you leave it overnight.

2. Wonderful solution for allergies


Breathing in lemons can relieve suffering from allergies, asthma and cold for those who suffer from these ailments. Give it a try.

3. Good night’s sleep

Ever wake up feeling tired and lethargic even though you’ve slept for eight hours at night? The reason behind it could be stress or nasal congestion etc. Try leaving lemon beside your pillow before sleeping or breathe it in before bed as it can help with relieving nasal congestion and even de-stress you.

4. Immune system also benefits from lemons

Much like oranges, lemons too have a high content of Vitamin C in them. The benefit of Vitamin C is that it strengthens your immune system and has also been proved to target cancer cells. Drink lemon water regularly or add lemons to some of your meals to keep your body healthy.

5. Makes you feel less bloated


Feeling bloated? Have some lemon. It helps ease the bowel movements and makes you feel less bloated.

6. Relieves sore throat


Cold and sore throat are life’s most common ailments. A tried and tested solution to this has always been a cup of hot water with lemon and honey. The reason why this works is the citric acid content in the lemon which breaks up the mucus in your throat and reduces pain and inflammation. Lemon is also a natural antiseptic that can kill the bacteria in your throat.

7. Detoxes your body


If you’ve been on a drinking binge and feeling the after effects of that, drink some lemon water to help your body digest food more effectively and flush out all those toxins.

8. Clear Skin


The Vitamin C in lemons helps produce smoother and clearer skin. Drink at least 3 litres of water a day with a squeeze of lemon and you will have a model like skin.

9. Enhances metabolism


Looking for an easy way out to lose weight? Look no more. Studies show that lemon water can speed up your metabolism which means that your body can break down fats faster. Lemon also contains pectin which is a type of fibre which will leave you feeling full for longer periods of time.

So, what are you waiting for? Go and buy yourself some lemons already!!



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