
Shocking things you should know about bed bugs and see how to deal with it


Bed Bugs can give nightmares to almost everyone. Their presence can give you sleepless nights and the most difficult part is that it’s not easy to eliminate them. Cimex lectularius, the common bed bug, is the best-known bed bug as it prefers to feed on human blood. Most of these parasitic bugs feed on human blood!! Eww, right?


Here are some of the shocking things you should know about bed bugs

1. As their names suggest they mostly live in your beds. Warms houses, cozy warm beds are heaven for bed bugs. They can be inside the bed, bedding etc. So better watch out!

2. They are especially active in the night time. They look for us in the night and astonishingly feed on us without being noticed. Creepy.

3. They have survived eradication by the Governments in various countries due to developing pesticide development and can be found in almost all corners of the earth.

4. A fertilized female bed bug is capable of laying three to four eggs in a day continuously during its lifetime. More than 500 eggs can be laid by one female bed bug.

5. It takes only a few minutes for a bed bug to suck the blood out of our body. As this usually happens in the night, no wonder they remain undetected.

6. They have perfected the art of hiding since they can remain in your bed almost undetected. You would be surprised to know that they can live there for almost five months without having anything.


7. If you were thinking to just throw away your furniture to get rid of these bed bugs, the sad news is, this won’t help you. The bed bugs would soon be transferred to the new furniture. And these little bloodsuckers can be found in any time of furniture and not limited to beds.

8. So are they dangerous? Yes, they are dangerous as continuous biting by these bugs can cause a blood infection. And continuous exposure to them can lead to serious health problems.


9. People who suffer from bed bugs,  get the feeling that they are around in the house even if they are not there.

10. The fear is so much at some people recite this before they go to sleep: “Good night, sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite”.

So, now that we are sure we don’t want them in our houses,  how do we get rid of them?

Well, try these remedies for bed bugs elimination

1.Keep the house clean and clutter free. Don’t give them many places to hide. Use vacuum cleaner regularly.

2. Beg bugs cannot tolerate high temperature. Use hair dryer on mattress and try to cover all areas of it. Without any delay use the vacuum cleaner to remove the residual and clean the vacuum cleaner filter after use.

3. Give them the cold treatment. Just like they cannot tolerate high temperature, they also can’t withstand the cold. Try to freeze the infected area to eliminate them.

4. Try essential oils. Tea Tree, Lavender, Eucalyptus, Peppermint oil, can be tried to get rid of them. There are some sprays based on these oils are available in the market.

5. Baking Soda: It is a natural cleaner for the mattress and carpets. You can spread a layer of the baking soda on the area and keep it overnight and in the morning you can just vacuum it. What it does is, it sucks out the moisture from the mattress or carpet and ultimately kills the beg bugs. Even if there are no bed bugs, this remedy can used for usually cleaning.

6. Diatomaceous Earth: This is a chemically free powder which helps in eliminating a number of insect including bed bugs. It dehydrates the insect and eventually kills them.

7. Kerosene and diesel. Yes, you read it right. These can instantly kill the bed bugs but use cautiously and under supervision.

8. Sunlight: The easiest and one of the best methods is to keep the infected area like a mattress in sunlight for a day and the heat of the sun won’t let them live.

9. If you tried all the options you can and still facing the problem, then call up professionals to do the job.

Let’s keep our houses bed bug-free!

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