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Self-lacing sneakers from Nike

Tired of tying laces of your shoes ? Or you want freedom from laces? This post is for you.

Nike has announced self-lacing sneakers, yes no laces in it. The shoes is inspired from the shoes worn by Michael J. Fox in the movies ‘Back to The Future II’. The shoe laces will self adjust according to size of the foot using a programmed algorithm. Needless to say the shoes will require charging. A full charge requires three hours and will last for two weeks which is not a bad deal.


As per the tweet by Nike PR Director ‘Heidi Burgett’ – HyperAdapt 1.0 will be available in the U.S. at select Nike retail locations. Appointments to experience & purchase will begin on 28.11.2016. The price of the shoes is unknown at the moment but don’t expect it to come cheap.

Here is the video to see how the shoes works.

VIA: Engadget



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