
This rug will surely help you with the discipline you always wanted

Getting up in the morning is a very difficult task, atleast for me. People who get up early must be really self motivated to achieve it.

But deep inside, we all want to start early in morning and get the most out of the day. We all have alarm clocks but the problem with them is that we have that ‘snooze’ button which we keep on pressing . It is a real struggle is to get out of the bed with all the “snoozing” we do.

However, much to our delight, there is now a new startup which has brought a rug in the market which will make you get up from your bed. And it is no ordinary rug. The company calls it Ruggie!


This Rug is fitted with an alarm clock and to turn it off you need to get up from the bed! The Rug does not have a snooze button on it so you have to literally step on it to make the alarm stop ringing. And the best part is that it is capable of playing your favorite motivational music to kick start your day.



The rug is made of cushy foam, to give you maximum comfort when you get up and step on it.

This rug will surely give you a healthier lifestyle and you will have more time for yourself.  So fight the snooze with this Ruggie 🙂 .

Here is a short video highlighting Ruggie’s features:


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