
Life saving hacks: Easy tips that can save lives

Life Hacks

The world is a scary place and it would be handy if you know some life saving hacks or tips. Every day the news brings more and more bad news of people being kidnapped, shot, women being raped etc. It can happen to anyone-to you or to someone close to you. Sometimes a small thing that you did or did not do can come between your life and death.

We don’t know when something bad will happen to us-it may not even happen but that does not mean that we do not take precautions. Here are some Life saving hacks or tips that experts believe will one day save your life:

1. When in a hostile situation-run:

It may sound obvious but sometimes we tend to forget the obvious even if it is staring at us right in front of our nose. So if at any time you are faced with a hostile person or situation, don’t stand and stare, just start running away as fast as you can.

2. Always listen to your instincts:

We all have instincts that immediately warn us of some imminent danger. If you get that feeling, don’t ignore it. Listen to what your instincts tell you.

3. Cab driver acting weird? Make a call:


Very often after a late night meeting or work or party, many of us will call for a cab and go home. Sometimes the cab can be safe and sometimes not. If your instincts tell you something is wrong or you see the driver acting in a suspicious manner, then take out your cell phone and call someone. Tel them the detail of the cab like the license plate number, the name of the driver, where he picked you up from, where your drop location is and where you are at the time of making the call. Ensure that the driver is hearing every bit of your phone conversation so that he will think twice before doing anything bad to you.

4. Stranger danger:

As children, we’ve always been taught to be wary of strangers coming and approaching us. Likewise, sometimes as adults, we should be worried about trusting strangers especially if they get into your car and tell you to drive them to some place. When that happens, drive your car into a post or a tree or something heavy and stationary so that it is impossible for your car to move. When you do that, it draws attention to your situation and the stranger/attacker will want to run away from you as soon as possible.

5. Always hold your car keys in your hand:

If it’s late night and your car is the only car at the parking lot, make sure you have your car keys in your hand and not in your pocket or bag. This way, you can easily get into your car and drive away in case anyone approaches you or tries to do anything to you. By the way, you can also use your keys to scratch your attacker on their face or eyes.

6. If you are attacked, kick the attacker in their groin:

When you’re being attacked, the first thing that usually hits you will be panic and trying to think of ways to escape. At such a situation, kick the attacker with all your strength in his groin. That will buy you some time to run away and inform the authorities about the incident.

7. Don’t walk down the stairs with your hands in your pocket:


While walking down a flight of stares, ensure that your hands are out of your pockets or on the banister. If by chance, you fall down, you will need your arms for balance and to stop yourself from getting hurt.


8. When caught in a riptide while swimming in the sea, swim parallel to the shore:

If you are swimming in the sea, it can be quite dangerous sometimes especially if you were to get caught in a riptide. The best way to get back to the shore and stay safe is to swim parallel to the shore.

9. Car keys on a table next to the bed:

In case of intruders inside your home, the panic button on your car keys can be pressed to alert your neighbours and surely someone will hear it and call the police.

10. Do not ever text and walk:

Being part of the technological boom has its side effects. Our mobile phones are always with us and we are either texting or talking with our mobiles. When you are walking in the streets, don’t ever text or stare at your phone while walking. This gives easy access to potential thieves and robbers to steal your phone and/or attack you in the process because your attention is diverted.

11. If you’re lost, try to find water and shelter first:

If you’re ever lost and you feel helpless, try to look for a place that will provide you with shelter and water. Once you’ve rested and rehydrated yourself, you will start thinking more calmly and stop panicking.

13. Caught in a fire? Stay close to the ground:

If you’re ever caught in a burning building or a room, instead of trying to run out of the house/room, get down on the floor and start crawling. The oxygen levels down there will help you get out without you passing out from the flames.



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