
Easy way to hide a post from front page in WordPress

Post Hide – WordPress

WordPress is nice and to posting content is easy and user friendly. Hide post WordPress is not in your default settings. Sometime we write post and don’t want them to come to your post feeds or rather not on your front page. You want to control your content by deciding which post will remain in the front page and which post will go in the background. There can be many reasons for doing this like you want the audience to keep focus the specific content rather than on your other post.

There can be cases which you want to keep the post hidden and only want to come up through search engines or when you share a direct link rather than user browsing through your pages.

Anyways coming to the point that how to control the content or post in your WordPress site.

This can be done using the WP Hide Post Plugin.

WP hide plugin gives you very easy way to control the post in your WordPress site. It give you many option like hide the post from the front page, category, tags, pages etc.

The option can be selected while writing the post. This plugin is most widely used plugin for this purpose but word of caution that this plugin can issues with WordPress 4.8 and your theme. So check it out and Hide post WordPress.

But if you are having issues with the above plugin then we have one solution for you. Read our post for hiding the category in the WordPress site.


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