
Food That Tastes Crazy Good When You’re High or Drunk

You know that craving you get when you’re high or drunk and you JUST HAVE TO EAT IT? Ah, those nights filled with party vibes and crazy adrenaline, where everything feels just great and SOME food just tastes so much better than they generally do. I don’t really know the science behind it, or if there is one at all, but you gotta agree. It’s true!

There are some food items that taste crazy great when you’re high or drunk. The sober you would enjoy it, yes, but ‘under the influence’ you would think it is amazingly the best food you’ve ever had in your life!

Yep, here they are.

  1. Peanuts

You generally wouldn’t really eat peanuts just like that, but if you’re drunk, peanuts are like a must with whatever you’re drinking. They taste super good with chilled beer! It’s like your beer party is incomplete without those packets of peanuts.

  1. Fries

Fries are just heavenly, just like how you feel when you’re high. They feel like they are meant to be eaten at that point and time and just taste SO GOOD when you’re in a whole different world.

  1. Pizza

Oh, don’t even get me started on pizza… that yum cheese melting in the mouth suddenly feels magical as opposed to sober pizza eating times. The experience feels like that of a lifetime and you are just insanely happy with just food. That’s all you need at that time.

  1. Cheese Puffs

Ah, those tiny orange round things. The best. That crunchy soft feeling in the mouth is all it takes for you to fall in love with cheese puffs. After some drinking, you just feel like popping them into your mouth one after the other, until they get over.

  1. Skittles

Them sour skittles. I agree that they are an odd thing to eat while drinking, but they are lovely. If you have not tried skittles when drinking or when hungover, you should definitely give them a try! They are worth it.

  1. Burgers

Duh. The staple food when you’re drunk and starving. Burgers are great to satisfy your cravings and hunger in that happy drunken state. Drink. Eat some burgers. Sleep. Ah, bliss.

Next time, when you plan a party, maybe keep all of these food items ready and stocked. This is obviously in the interest of making your fun night even more fun because you never know for which one you will acquire a craving for!

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