
5 Easy Ways To Kill That Fatigue From Your Body

If you are always tired and feeling low, it is something you need to address and not ignore. It is depressing and can drain the life out of you. You don’t feel have the energy or the will to do anything because you are constantly battling fatigue and the people around you attribute it to laziness. Well, can you blame them?

Photo by Christian Erfurt (Unsplash)

There are some simple steps that you can incorporate into your daily routine which can help you fight this tiring battle and get out of fatigue. If these don’t help, then you should definitely go see your physician because it is not something you can live with.

Have a regular sleep cycle

Make sure you are sleeping properly. Lack of sleep is usually the main cause of fatigue. Try to have a sleep duration of 7 to 8 hours every night and try going to bed and waking up at the same time. Your bed and pillow also matter. If they are not comfortable, you won’t be able to sleep well. Ensure that you are comfortable with your bedding to start with.

Photo by Ivan Obolensky

Eat healthy

Don’t stuff too much junk in your system. Make sure you eat healthy and whole foods with a well-balanced diet. Junk and processed food can make you feel tired and lazy because they don’t really translate into energy as well as organic and whole foods. So keep it healthy!

Photo by Dan Gold

Drink lots of water

Dehydration can very easily cause fatigue – no secret. When you feel tired, start fighting it by drinking water. Get a nice bottle that you like drinking from and keep it with you wherever you go. If you are someone who forgets to drink water, keep reminders on your phone and keep sipping that water. You can even slice a lemon and add mint leaves in your water to make it look and taste more interesting.

Drink apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is really good for the body as it controls blood sugar levels and controls fatigue. Dilute it with water and drink it often. You may even choose to add it to your salads or soups.

Do easy exercises

It’s not like you have to go hardcore into gymming, but you can do short and easy exercises to regulate the blood flow in your body and keep you active. Morning walks, jogging, skipping, cycling, etc are really great exercises and they can help you kill the fatigue from your body.


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