
Here Are Three Easy Steps That Can Stop That Snoring

It is no wonder that people snore. And even if you don’t like it or deny that you snore because it is embarrassing, it is no secret that majority of people snore at some point in their lifetime.

The irritating snores, the snorts, the loud grunts…it all can be a handful and most importantly, annoying for your partner or roommate, whoever you share your room with. If your snoring is too loud, then God help your neighbours too!

Everyone gives you a piece of their minds and you can’t help but do nothing about it because it is not something you want to do. It just is a habit that won’t go away. Right?

But what if you can make this irritatingly ridiculous habit go away? What if you can make the snoring stop?

Medical experts say that there are three easy steps that can make snoring go away. These are simple steps that only require you to be more careful of your daily routine by making some healthy changes.

Here is a simple, super easy three-step routine for you before bedtime that helps open up your mouth and nasal passages and thus, stop the snoring!

Image Author: VideoPlasty

The routine just takes a few minutes and if done regularly and properly, it can help with the problem in no time!

  1. Say aaaahh

Yes, remember your childhood dentist who would ask you to “say aaaahh” and stick big scary things into your mouth? You need to “say aaaahh” just like that, this time without the fear of those giant things waiting to get into your mouth. Doing this for about 20 seconds helps open up the mouth and the airways.

  1. Curl your throat

Another super easy exercise. Curl your throat upwards, and let it press against the roof of your mouth, while you also touch the inside of your front teeth with it. Keep this position for a few seconds and repeat a few times.

  1. Squeal

The last exercise is to squeal, but with a method. You need to stick your tongue out and take a big deep breath. Inhale, and as you exhale, make a squeal like your using your voice to get the air out of your body.

Easy, right? Try this three-step routine and kick snoring out of your life, which will make everyone happy! If you still are unable to see any change in your snoring, then you should visit your doctor who can help with advanced methods of avoiding snoring like nasal dilators, a dental retainer or a chin strap.


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