
Dating Apps Are Not For These 3 Zodiac Signs

Dating apps is what’s going on these days and swiping left or right on a screen has become the ultimate decision maker when it comes to relationships. I mean, is meeting people the traditional way become impossible?

Feeling the butterflies when you see that special someone at a party, or your workplace, or wherever and your heart just starts racing. The extra efforts you take to attract them so that you can strike a conversation or maybe even get them to agree for a date and take it from there – the journey being filled with nervous laughter, “first” everything, being in love and so so many memories.

Ah, the perfect stories to tell. Isn’t that what dating and love is all about? Or maybe people have just become lazy. It feels like dating has become more like online shopping. At least to me.

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But well, everyone has their opinions, and some might find dating apps very useful for matchmaking while others might not even like the idea of it (like me). There are some zodiac signs that agree with me. These signs hate dating apps and here’s why –

  1. Pisces

Pisces believe in deep connections and focus on working on such connections with the people they meet. The digital info on people definitely is not their thing. So dating apps don’t really work for them. They need to get to know a person in person and see if they can establish that connection with them to know whether they can make it work between them. And doing all this through apps is a big challenge. Also, Pisces love romance and are big suckers for it. So well, it’s the traditional way of dating for them!

  1. Cancer

Like Pisces, Cancer also are big into romance. They have emotional hearts and want to feel every emotion strongly. They love physical interaction with people to understand and explore the connection and mutual feelings when they date. So, dating apps are no good here either.

  1. Virgo

Virgos are very particular about who they spend their quality time with and more importantly, share their heart with. They like to take their time to decide the matters of the heart, because hey, these are very crucial decision to make and you don’t wanna be making the wrong choices. Hence, Virgos are not the dating apps kind, clearly. They take pleasure in giving enough time into the process of finding love and do it passionately.


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