
Try These 6 Clever Methods To Drink More Water Everyday

If you’re like me, you probably forget to drink water. It’s only when you’re feeling super parched that you drink water, and that too just half a glass maybe. It doesn’t even occur to me that I haven’t had enough water in a day until I feel weak or dizzy because duh, dehydration!

This forgetfulness can be very dangerous because keeping yourself hydrated is super important for body functioning and growth. According to experts, one should be drinking about two litres of water every day. (Whoa, that feels like A LOT!)

Remembering to stay hydrated is probably one of the hardest things to do on a daily basis for me, but here are some clever ideas that can help as reminders to drink enough water every day. I really need this, and if you do too, here you go –

  1. The first thing you do as soon as you wake up: Drink water

Try to make it a habit to drink water as soon as you wake up. Keep a bottle of water near your bedside and when you hear that alarm ring, after all that snoozing when you’re ready to get out of bed, pick that bottle up and gulp down at least half of that bottle. The body feels dehydrated as you have just woken up from an ideal sleep of about six to eight hours and your system needs water.

  1. Always carry a water bottle with you

Keep a bottle of water with you wherever you go. It needs to be like your wallet. So, find a bottle that you like and keep it with you at all times, sipping water from it. The niceness of the bottle will add to the value of you not minding that the bottle goes wherever you go. Having the bottle on you always will remind you to sip from it from time to time.

  1. Drink some water from your bottle before every meal

Yes, every meal. Try to get into the habit of drinking a glass of water before you attack your food, be it breakfast, lunch or dinner. Even snacks for that matter, put yourself into the good habit of drinking a glass of water before you eat anything.

  1. Use your water bottle as a timer

You could draw lines on your water bottle that tell you by what time you should drink how much water. You could draw three lines maybe, one for the morning, one for the afternoon and the last for the night. And you should have had that much amount of water according to the times you have specified on the lines. This will help you keep track of your water intake and will motivate you to keep drinking water through the day.

  1. Make the water in your water bottle interesting

You could add mint leaves or lemons, or other citrus fruits to your water to make it more interesting and fun to drink. These adds make the water look fancy and they taste good too, with added benefits!

  1. Set a timer on your phone

If you are really having a hard time reminding yourself to drink water, set timers on your phone through the apps that are for built for this very purpose. When the timers go off, pick up your bottle and drink some water. Slowly, once it becomes a habit, you wouldn’t need the timers at all!

Try any method that you think would work best for you and get your body and skin and hair to love you!


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