
Accomplish Your New Year Resolutions With These 5 Tips

How many times have you decided on resolutions, told yourself that you will stay motivated towards them and “measure the difference” at the end of the year? Yep, all of us have been there, done that. But who has been consistent in following it through? That’s what I thought.

We make all these grand resolutions (I don’t understand why we don’t make simple resolutions that we can actually work on) and we follow them for about a month, maybe two, and then we find ourselves making the same resolutions over again at the end of the year. It gets tiring and useless.

Photo by Estée Janssens

We need to make resolutions that we believe we can get through and for that, here are 5 tips that are sure to help! Follow these and stand proudly at the end of the year, when you reflect on the past year and see that you accomplished your goals like a boss!

  1. Plan your resolutions early

Planning is very important. When you know you need to give up certain habits or start working on certain skills, make sure you get everything you need for it and are ready. This is very helpful as it will give you a practical approach to reaching your goals and will also make the process of your accomplishment easier than you ever thought it could be.

  1. Create realistic goals

Don’t make too many resolutions that you know you will not be able to accomplish. Create realistic goals, maybe just two or three, the ones you really need to work on, and focus on them. This is important because if you make too many resolutions, the chances are that they will be too heavy on your motivation and kill it. Having two or three realistic ones will help you give your full attention to them and you will see progress as you go along.

  1. Make your resolutions enjoyable

This is a no brainer. Only when your resolutions are fun and enjoyable in their approach you will have the desire to work towards them. So, make your resolutions fun in the way you do them, and enjoy the process as you go along! For example, if your resolution is to start exercising, there are so many fun fitness apps and enjoyable workout routines that can be your go-to!

  1. Don’t wait for New Year’s Day to start your resolutions

New Year’s Day puts too much pressure for all the resolutions we plan. Besides, the day is for celebration! So why ruin it, right? Start working on your resolutions maybe two weeks prior to the big day and include it into your routine so that when you step into the new year, you’re already on your resolutions!

  1. Create milestones

Remember: They are not giants in front of you. You can accomplish them if you make small milestones for yourself – say one little milestone every month of the year. This way you will be able to see for yourself how you are improving on your resolutions and that will keep you motivated to keep going.

Now go get ‘em, tiger.

Photo by Danielle MacInnes


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